Travelling with the Bank of England

Travelling with the Bank of England

How is the economy going?

We have travelled with the Bank of England the roads and railways to capture, through our drawings, the issues that affect the day to day lives of the British public.

The Bank of England wants to know and hear how the economy is impacting people’s lives. Always equipped with an Ipad Pro, we provide graphic facilitation of meetings between representatives of the Bank and the community. As these events wish to provide a platform to the greatest possible portion of society and most of the time this means visiting many different locations on the same day.

Flexibility and journalistic spirit are important requirements. You need to be versatile and adapt to drawing either whilst standing or sitting on the floor or between tables and always prepared to adopt a new position at any given time. The desire to obtain relevant, factual information and accurately capture the data is the basis of a good visual recording.

At the end of the day, we have produced a series of illustrations that will be shared on the Bank’s website and social media. Maintaining open and accessible communication with the general public. For us it is one of the richest visual recording exercises, interacting with so many different people and experiencing the multitude of visions and accents from around the UK.